Telohra deti 1 & 2: Aj žirafy vedia tančiť

9:30 – 13:00
Nová Cvernovka

Off programme

Telohra / Bodyplay children 1 & 2: Aj žirafy vedia tančiť / Giraffes Can Dance, Too

Movement workshops for children

9:30 / Zborovňa /Teachers' Room, Nová Cvernovka
Bodyplay children 1
Children aged 3.5 to 6
(90 min)

11:15 / Zborovňa / Teachers' Room, Nová Cvernovka
Bodyplay children 2
Children aged 7 to 11
(105 min)

Registration in advance by e-mail at
When registering, please provide the name and age of the child to attend.
Kindly note the limited capacity. We will confirm your place by email and send out joining instructions.
Workshop price: €10

Giraffes can dance, too. The themed workshop for children is inspired by the book Giraffes Can't Dance by Giles Andreae and book illustrations by Guy Parker-Rees.

The lecturers Annie and Kate tell the children: “What advice would you give to a giraffe that believes it can't dance? Should it stand on its two hooves? Should it learn to spin, to jump? Perhaps tilt its head to the right? Should it learn dance steps? We shall think, consult, twist in a giraffe rhythm. Moreover, a tiny cricket might turn up to play us music to dance to!

A note to parents of children aged 3.5 to 6: You are welcome to attend the TETSU morning warm-up from 10:00 to 11:00 in the same venue, though in the Gym. You can thus work out in the same building while your little ones have fun at the Bodyplay workshop.

MimoOs o.z. is an independent dance group of creative artists and instructors specialising in dance. Since 2016, it has been covering artistic and learning activities that raise public awareness of contemporary dance. In addition to several authors' projects, they also participate in international internships and festivals. In 2018, they founded a learning programme TELOHRA / BODYPLAY for children and adults. They also hold a series of professional workshops Telo – Hlas – Komunita / Body-Voice-Community.

Telohra / Bodyplay is a learning concept that emerged from the initiative of graduates of dance pedagogy at the Academy of Performing Arts. The main activity is themed movement workshops for children from 3 to 11 years of age and for adults interested in dance and movement. Workshops are composed of movement & creative games, improvisational and exploratory movement tasks.

Anna Hurajtová studied at the Department of Dance at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague and at the State Conservatory in Košice. She has featured in stage performances at the Slovak National Theatre, on the New Stage / Nová scéna theatre and in projects by independent groups (L.A.B, elledanse). She taught at The Ľudovít Rajter Elementary Art (ZUŠ) School in Bratislava and at the Trnava Conservatory. She currently teaches at SZUŠ Prokofievova in Bratislava.

Katarína Palúchová is a graduate of the Department of Elementary Art School Dance Pedagogy at the Academy of Performing Arts. During her teaching career, she worked largely with children of preschool and junior school age. She attended workshops on conscious movement and creative dance with children, as well as an accredited learning programme on Laban's movement principles in dance. She currently teaches dance at the Elementary Art School in Stupava.

Photo: Nina Pacherová